How to Build a DIY Carport: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building a DIY carport doesn't have to be difficult or expensive. Here, we'll show you how: Step 1: Calculate and Mark the Location of Your DIY Carport The first step to building your own carport is to calculate the size of your DIY carport. To do this, measure the width of your vehicle and add 10% to that measurement. Then, measure the length of your vehicle, also adding 10% to it so that there will be enough room for extra storage under or behind your carport if needed. Finally, mark out where you'd like each corner of your DIY carport with stakes or flags before digging holes for them (more on this later). Step 2: Lay Out a Concrete Footer You're going to need a concrete footing that's strong enough to support the weight of your carport. This can be difficult, since there are no guidelines when it comes to footings. You'll need to do some research and ask experienced builders for advice on how deep their footings go in order to get an idea of what you nee...